In today’s #vatniksoup, I’ll introduce an American social media personality, Dominick “Dom Lucre” McGee (@dom_lucre). He’s best-known for lying about absolutely everything, and for spreading QAnon-related conspiracy theories and disinformation on the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Based on Dom Lucre, Dom Lucre is a massively popular Renaissance Man, who’s dabbled successfully in military, hip hop, financial advising, philanthropy, politics and of course “breaking narratives”. Hell, he even wrote an (everybody)Wiki about himself!

In many ways, Dominick is the George Santos for the black community, as almost everything about his past has been either exaggerated or completely made-up. A Twitter user @CoffinItUp (they’re great, follow them and check their substack!) has made a lot of research on Dom, …
…and I’ll be referencing to his investigative work quite often. First of all, Dom claims to have graduated from college in 2017 from Penn State, but they couldn’t verify any diplomas or degrees. Dom then back-pedaled and said he’s missing his “internship”.

He’s actually been enrolled to Penn State since 2017, but hasn’t graduated after 6½ years. They even kicked him out once. Dom’s also claimed to have obtained a certificate from Wharton University, but there’s absolutely no proof of any of this:
As is tradition with pathological liars like Santos and McGee, the lies hardly stop there. Dom’s also lied about owning a 150 000 USD watch (it’s a cheap copy), buying a house at the age of 22 (he was/is renting it), and having a net worth of 1, 2 million USD.

Dominick has built his brand around being a black conservative who supports Donald Trump. He was also involved in the “Stop the Steal” movement, and even orchestrated his own FB group around the event called “Win the Win”.

Most of his followers on social media came from running the group, which was also filled with QAnon references like “the storm will come.” The group was also used by far-right militias for recruiting members.
Dom has launched an NGO called The Citizen’s Crusade, although there is no information of this organization outside of Dom’s interviews, so it’s probably just another made-up project of his.
Dom Lucre has over half a million followers on Twitter, and his “exposures” have relatively high engagement. These posts include ridiculous claims like saying that Tom Hanks is a pedophile and it was actually Trump that got Epstein locked up.

He’s also promoted the Pizza Gate conspiracy theory, which claims that high-profile Hollywood stars and politicians are involved in a child sex trafficking ring. As an “evidence”, he posted a segment from Ben Swann’s “Reality Check” TV show from Fox. Swann has promoted…

…every conspiracy theory out there, and has made almost 7 million USD by the Russian government for his propaganda work for the South America, Indian and Chinese markets.

As most grifters often focus on what’s trending, Dom has also written about Ukraine. In one of his hot takes, he stated that Putin is “fighting the deep state in Ukraine, ” and that QAnon is somehow connected to human trafficking in Ukraine.

He also shared a slideshow that was supposed to be proof that Ukraine is infested with Nazis — too bad most of the images were from Russia.
Mistreatment of children in Ukraine is probably a remnant from the Soviet times, read more here:

In addition, Dom’s tweeted about the “genocide in Donbas”. On 14 Jul 2023, one of Prigozhin’s “trolls” revealed the “Donbas genocide” victims were actually paid actors. He also forgot to mention that a lot of the civilians died in Donbas came from the down shooting of MH17.

In Dom’s view, the 2014 Revolution of Dignity was a CIA-orchestrated coup. His source for this is a far-left fake news blog, MROnline. He’s also suggested that Zelenskyy is a war criminal and that the US provoked the war with Russia.
You know, all the classics.

Dom is definitely trying to make his way into conservative politics, and in the current state of “post-truth politics” he could actually make it.
That’s probably why he’s a “black conservative” supporting Trump, as the truth is absolutely irrelevant within the MAGA gang.

To conclude: Dominick McGee is an opportunist, attention-seeking grifter who’s trying to make money by spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories. He follows every “current thing” in order to garner to his “fans”, while trying to make a quick buck.
Some more “narrative breaking” in here: