In today’s
#vatnik soup I’ll be introducing a neo-nazi, conspiracy theorist & a troll, Andrew Anglin (
@WorldWarWang). He’s by no means a prominent figure of influence, but I wanted to introduce him as a cautionary tale of how people with fragile egos become brainwashed online.
It seems that throughout his life Andrew has been soul searching, but in all the wrong places. As a teenager, he was a declared atheist and a vegan, wearing clothes with “Fuck Racism” written on them. Even as a youngster, his friends described him as erratic and sadistic.
Ironically, he even flirted with homosexuality during his teenage years, something that he would strongly condemn later on, supporting the ISIS-style of throwing gays off buildings.
At some point he became interested in conspiracy theories, and became a fan of InfoWars …
… and other fringe medias. Lizard people, chemtrails, fake moon landing, fetus-eating pedophiles and their blood rituals… he embraced them all. He also spent a lot of time on 4chan, and he’s declared that “4chan was more influential on me than anything”.
At some point he roamed around Southeast Asia for some years and stated that the only way for the humanity to survive was to return to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. He apparently wanted to marry two local Muslim women until “by the Grace of God”, …
… he found Hitler and neo-nazism. You can’t make this shit up, unless you’re Andrew Anglin.
In 2012 he launched a neo-nazi website, Total Fascism. It was a failure and he decided to switch to more provocative, short-form content with his new website, The Daily Stormer.
The website was quite popular, drawing in millions of readers. Anglin used his website to organize a brigade against Tanya Gersh, a Jewish real estate agent. In Jul, 2019, a judge issued a 14 million USD default judgement against Anglin.
Bankrupt, disenfranchised and alienated, Andrew resorts to only thing he can do: trolling. The best thing people can do is ignore him and move on.
He was banned from Twitter in 2013. but Musk reinstated his account in Dec, 2022.