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Johan Bäckman

Today I’ll be introducing one of the main pro-🇷🇺 agitators and grand Finnish #vatnik’s, Johan Bäckman (.@johanbek). This Aleksandr Dugin’s disciple and avid 🇷🇺 disinfo spreader has been spewing anti-🇫🇮 propaganda on Kremlin-controlled media for years. 1/10
He’s also keen on burdening the 🇫🇮court system with his multiple court cases — Already back in 2012, Johan had formulated at least 90 court complaints.Bäckman had a child in 2004 with a Soviet-born woman and most of the court cases are related to a custody battle between two.2/10
In 2020, the Finnish Supreme Court sentenced Johan to 60 days of probation for the persecution of journalist Jessikka Aro (.@JessikkaAro). He also had to compensate Aro for around 18000 euros. 3/10
This is probably not a big deal to Johan, whose father used to be the CEO of a large Finnish enterprise, Hartwall. In 2006 Bäckman informed that he owns 1, 5 million euro worth of the company stock. 4/10
In 2012, 🇫🇮media company MTV made a documentary about Johan’s doctoral dissertation and its source material.The documentarists attempted to access the dissertation sources to no avail -Johan stated that this material was considered “top secret”. 5/10

Bäckman has published a lot of books and other material during the year, and for example in his book “Saatana saapuu Helsinkiin” (Satan arrives to Helsinki) he claimed the murder of Anna Politkovskaja to be a conspiracy and even stated that she possibly order her own murder. 6/10
Johan’s “antifascist association” SAFKA has claimed that in 🇫🇮 people have planned terrorist attacks against 🇷🇺 and that the alleged organizers might have connections to al-Qaida. 7/10
In July 2022, newspaper HS published an article that claimed that Johan has been giving anti-🇫🇮 statements and press releases to 🇷🇺 media.After Russia’s illegal invasion in Ukraine, Johan has spewn anti-Ukrainian rhetoric (eg."Ukraine as a nation does not exist") in 🇷🇺 media. 8/10
Additionally, he has allegedly recruited Finnish people to fight against Ukrainians in the Donetsk area.

These days Johan’s 🇫🇮 media presence comes mostly from his Youtube channel, where he discusses with another pro-Russia #vatnik, Leena Hietanen. 10/10

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